Travel blog about senior travellers

map of Europe on the pavement, shadow of photographer, Lisbon, portugal

Let’s start with the topic you are most likely interested in, assuming you land on this website. We are talking about seniors who like to travel and also have a bit of the adventurer’s spirit. But anyone who wants to travel can find here very useful tips and tools to make travelling and exploring comfortable.

Time and money ( or better a lack of it) are usually the first excuses anyone has when giving up any attempt to make a move. You see, it is all about good planning, with planning you can go anywhere you want.

Planning a journey to a destination you want and shaping it to your specific interests and preferences takes time. But, believe me, it is almost as exciting as travelling. On the site Travel Plan, you can find helpful tips and tools to help you with your plan or pick the topic on the right.

The first thing to do is to choose the destination you would like to go to ( guess you already have your „bucket list“ ).

The second is the time of the year you want to travel. That of course depends on the location you are going to and the available time. For example, if you are already retired it is much easier to choose a time to travel. But if you are still working you depend on how many days of holidays you have and when can you get them. Usually, it is best to avoid days of public holidays when lots of people travel and prices of transport and accommodation grow up. But if you still work it is the only chance you have for some days off, so you go for it and plan more in advance.

The third but most important is to make your budget plan. This means you have to calculate how much money you can spend on that journey. It is easier if you have some savings that you can spare on that, but it is not essential to have it all in advance. Along the process, you can monthly put aside an amount in front and gather a sum before your trip. More about that on-site Budget plan.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland,

Now when you know where and when you want to travel and how much you can spend you can start by searching for the best options for transport and accommodation. To get the most affordable options it is advisable to start with planning at least 6 months ahead. How long will it take to get the best buy options depends on the itinerary you have in mind. Like will you stay in one place and discover it with a few short excursions to nearby locations? Or a more ambitious plan to go from one place to another with longer distances.

Prepare yourself to change your initial plan along the way, while getting the options may affect it for many reasons. But that`s the challenge of being your own tour guide.

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